What Happens When the COVID Emergency Order Ends?

What Happens When the COVID Emergency Order Ends?

What Happens When the COVID Emergency Order Ends?You’ve probably heard that the Covid-19 emergency order will be sunsetting soon. Are you wondering what happens when the Covid emergency order ends? It means millions of people who are on Medicaid will lose it on...
Is VA Health Care Enough?

Is VA Health Care Enough?

Is VA Healthcare Enough?If you qualify for health care at the Veteran’s Administration, you will have access to he lowest prescription drug prices in the nation. How much you pay for your care is based on many factors (service related disability, Agent Orange exposure...
Why are Medicare Advantage Plans Paying for Utilities?

Why are Medicare Advantage Plans Paying for Utilities?

Why are Medicare Advantage Plans Paying for Utilities?Private Medicare Advantage plans offer a lot of extra benefits that are filling up all the ad time on your TV during the last three months of the year. When I explain to people that the benefits being touted are...
Medicare Part B Givebacks Are Real But Look Like A Scam

Medicare Part B Givebacks Are Real But Look Like A Scam

Medicare Part B Givebacks Look Like A Scam – They’re NotThe notorious Joe Namath ads have spread the word that some Medicare Advantage plans do have a Part B Giveback option. People thought that it was too good to be true, but Medicare Part B givebacks are...
Unveiling the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Mystery

Unveiling the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Mystery

Unveiling the Blue Cross Blue Shield MysteryOver 35 companies have licensed the right to use the Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield name in exclusive geographic areas. For agents that only work in one state, expanding into a new state brings many assumptions about Blue...
Can TRICARE and Medicare Advantage Plans Work Together?

Can TRICARE and Medicare Advantage Plans Work Together?

TRICARE + Medicare Advantage Plans? Can TRICARE and Medicare Advantage Plans Work Together?  Vets with TRICARE coverage were bombarded with TV ads during AEP. They were instantly attracted to the Supplemental Benefits of MAPD and started calling their agents asking...