Join the Gordon sisters for another FANTASTIC episode of the weekly Wednesday Wrap Up.Where they bring you the latest in insurance news. CLICK HEREThis week: HRAs, the hot item that you’re missing out on!Don’t leave money on the table. Let Sylvia and...
Join us on this week’s Wednesday Wrap Up where Sylvia and Rebecca Gordon cover the latest happenings in the insurance industry!This week’s topics include SPAP, the dangers of acid reflux medication, Legacy of Love life insurance, and so much more!You...
Don’t sift through all of those pesky e-mails. Join Sylvia and Rebecca each week to discuss what’s new in the insurance industry. Click here to watch the newest video on the new app for Medicare users.Also the new “What’s Covered” app lets people with...
With 50% of our agents retiring in the next 6 years, we have a lot of inquiries about pricing blocks of Medicare business.The short story is 1 – 1.5x: this is the number used to value renewals.Medicare Supplements are easier to value because they pay level for 6...