Only The Rich Can Afford Medicare Supplements I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, only the rich can afford Medicare Supplements. This, of course, is not true. But it is also, kind of very true. Let me explain.When you first enroll into Medicare Part...
What Happens When the COVID Emergency Order Ends?You’ve probably heard that the Covid-19 emergency order will be sunsetting soon. Are you wondering what happens when the Covid emergency order ends? It means millions of people who are on Medicaid will lose it on...
Is VA Healthcare Enough?If you qualify for health care at the Veteran’s Administration, you will have access to he lowest prescription drug prices in the nation. How much you pay for your care is based on many factors (service related disability, Agent Orange exposure...
Medicare Advantage Doctor Networks Are Shockingly Cruel Am I the only one that thinks Medicare Advantage doctor networks can be shockingly cruel? When you purchase a private Medicare plan, your agent will have confirmed that all of your doctors and specialists...
Why does it take so long to get Medicare when you qualify for disability? For most people, it will take about 2 years to file, be declined a few times, appeal, appeal and finally get approved for Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI). After that long slog to...