What Is An Insurance FMO? Do You Need One?

What Is An Insurance FMO? Do You Need One?

What Is An Insurance FMO?Independent life and health distribution are set up in a system that is confusing to the point of being ridiculous. Each insurance carrier is free to get creative when setting up their own distribution chain. Constant one-upmanship results in...

Cancer on a MAPD can cost more than $10K

Cancer is one of the treatments likely to cause your Medicare Advantage client to hit her Out Of Pocket  (OOP) maximum for the year. Many will look at a $5,000 or $6,700 risk and think they have the savings to cover it. Other clients reason that they will save over...
“Look Mom, I’m A FMO Now!”

“Look Mom, I’m A FMO Now!”

As it turns out, anyone can be a Field Marketing Office now, just print it on your business card and it’s done.  Ok, it’s not that easy.  If you are confused, you are not alone.  It seems that the system is bent on making it more muddy rather than on standardization....
Sharing Agent IDs Is A Fast Track to Career Destruction

Sharing Agent IDs Is A Fast Track to Career Destruction

With the start of AEP, it’s good to remind all agents and agency owners that getting busy and stressed out to make the AEP deadlines is not an excuse to cut any corners.  Every year I hear of agents being terminated for sharing their agent ID.Scenario: Agent...
How To Talk to Clients About Your Commission

How To Talk to Clients About Your Commission

I don’t know why it is so hard to talk about commissions with our clients, but I know that almost NO ONE brings up the subject and that should change. A common mistake that almost all agents make is not explaining that the client will not pay more to purchase an...